Here you will find all of Pet Daily Tip’s articles on cats, including guides, behaviour, health, food, gear, etc.

Are Cats Ticklish? Pet Parents Need To Know 2023
Many of us have experienced “The Paw” while petting our feline friends. This is when our cat indicates that they want us to stop by

How to feed dog food?
How to feed concentrated powdered dog food Follow the ratios carefully Each type of enriched dog food has a complete feeding ratio recommendation, so be

What should I do if my cat steals food?
We all know that cats are greedy, otherwise why would they be called “greedy cats”? Nowadays, owners usually buy good cat food for their cats,

Is it normal for a dog to want to eat everything?
Petdailytip believes that this is a normal phenomenon. Many dogs are not picky eaters and will eat whatever is given to them. However, dogs do

What is the difference between cat food and human food (cat food)?
What is the difference between cat food and our human food? Cat food and cat meals are the food of most pet cats. Cat food